List of awardees for HiPC 2009 travel
scholarship �
Hotel Information for Scholarship Awardees
Name and address of the Hotel:
Thevara Waterfront,
Kerala, India.
Telephone No: 91-484-2665533
Fax: 91-484-2665906
E-Mail: [email protected]
Hotel website:
Contact Persons:
Mrs RENJI NAIR, Manager - Sales and Marketing, Mobile: 09349117618 Mrs Byola D'Rosario, Reservation Executive, Mobile: 9387903462
Type of Rooms: Standard Rooms
· Rs.750/- net per person per day on triple sharing basis inclusive of taxes
· Rs.895/- net per person per day on twin sharing basis inclusive of taxes
This special rates will be given upto 30th Nov 09. Students wishing to
book accommodation should book their rooms by 30th Nov 09 to avail
the special offer.
Check in/Check out time: 12:00 noon
Mode of Payment: Either by Cheque/DD in favour of Synthite Industries
Limited, Payable at Cochin or through bank transfer.
If students wants book in advance, the Bank details of the Hotel is
given under:
Account No.: 012511100000007
Name of the Bank: Andhara Bank
HiPC 2009 Announces Travel Scholarships for Students and India-Based Scholars
The International Conference on High-Performance Computing (HiPC) is the premier computer
systems conference in India, emphasizing the areas of Architecture, Systems Software,
Applications, Algorithms, and Communication Networks. This year's conference is being held in
Kochi from December 16 - 19, 2009. It serves as a forum to present current work
by researchers from around the world as well as highlight activities in Asia in the
high performance computing area. The meeting emphasizes both design and analysis of high
performance computing systems and their scientific, engineering, and commercial applications.
For more information about the conference, please visit its website at
We are pleased to announce Travel Scholarships for HiPC 2009 to promote research in
HiPC areas in India. We would like to encourage the best students studying at engineering
colleges in India to attend the conference through travel scholarships provided on a merit
basis. The conference will expose students to current worldwide research and enable them
to meet leading researchers in the computing area. This year's offer has several details
and prospective applicants are requested to read them carefully. Please note that the number of scholarships is limited and the award of
the scholarship is subject to compliance of the policies as described below.
Who May Apply
Students studying at engineering colleges and other educational institutions of
repute in India are encouraged to attend the conference through travel scholarships
provided on a merit basis. Although the scholarship is primarily meant for full time
students, a limited number of scholarships will be made available under special
circumstances for faculty members from Indian educational institutions. Those faculty
members who do not have any financial support from their institution may also apply.
Those applicants who are very serious in pursuing HiPC research shall be preferred.
Scholarship Details
Scholarship will be offered to a limited number of participants. Travel and accommodation expenses for the selected scholarship receipients will be subsidized by the conference. Note that all selected scholars will still have to register for
the conference. Please visit the “Information for India-based Participants”
page on for the
conference registration form. The reduced registration rates for India-based
faculty and students have been made possible by generous sponsorship from India-based IT
companies. Registration fees are the same for Scholarship recipients.
When registering, they should specify “scholarship recipient”.
The scholarship form is also available here.
In particular, the scholarship will include:
- Two-way second/sleeper class train fare between your college or home and the venue of the conference, i.e., Kochi.
- Accommodation allowance for the period December 15-20, 2009.
Disbursement of the funds are subject to the policies as described below.
Registration and What It Provides
As stated before, selected students/scholars will need to pay their
registration fee for the conference. See the Advance Registration
deadline of 16 November 2009 and note that higher fees apply after that
date. The reduced fees for India-based students include participation
in all workshops and technical sessions, as well as conference meals,
refreshments, banquet and cultural event.
The student registration at the conference includes: |
Attendance at all HiPC 2009 workshops and tutorials |
Attendance at all technical sessions on December 17, 18, and 19 |
Breakfast, lunch and refreshments on all four days |
Conference banquet and cultural event |
A CD-ROM of the proceedings |
Selection Criteria
Please look at the application form for more details, which is available here.
Conditions for Disbursement of Scholarship |
While most recipients are grateful for receiving funds and allowing them the
opportunity to attend the HiPC conference, we must still set measures to prevent
the misuse of funds. In that light, the following conditions must be met for the
disbursement of scholarship: |
Scholars will be required to sign an attendance sheet available in each
session. At the end of the day, they are to turn in a one page report of the
sessions they attended. The report shall list the talks attended by the scholars
in each session, a description about the highlights of what they have gained
from that session, and list any questions or interaction they had with speakers,
etc. This daily report is to be handed in at the registration desk at the end of
each day. |
Scholars will be reimbursed their travel expenses on the last day of the
conference. Scholars will be required to complete the travel reimbursement
form available at the registration desk during the conference. They will
need to provide the original ticket for the inward journey and also
have a photocopy of the ticket for the outward journey. Scholars
are requested not to surrender their ticket at the railway station. |
All scholars should also carry a photo-identity card issued by
their institution. |
In case scholars need to cut short their attendance to the conference,
then they will need to contact the Scholarships Chair to explain the situation. |
Although we do not expect it to happen, in case of violation of these
conditions, misuse/abuse of the funds, or improper behavior from any person,
their travel expenses will not be reimbursed. Further action, as deemed necessary,
may also be taken, such as debarring them from future HiPC conferences, reporting
the incident to the head of their institution, blacklisting of the department
or institution, etc. Again, we hope these actions will not be necessary. |
Scholarship Application
We will continue accepting applications until October 16th and
announce the first batch of awardees by October 30th. However, depending
on the acceptance/rejection of the offer by this first batch, more scholarships
may be awarded until November 16th. In case you are selected, you will be required
to register for the conference within one week of your selection. Please note
that the scholarships are very competitive, and will be awarded on the basis of
merit. However, your grades/marks will not be the only criterion used for
making the decisions. |