Keynote Speech 1
[December 19]Discovering Knowledge from Massive Social Networks and Science Data -- Next Frontier for HPC
Alok N. Choudhary
John G. Searle Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Northwestern University
Knowledge discovery in science and engineering has been driven by theory, experiments and more recently by large-scale simulations using high-performance computers. Modern experiments and simulations involving satellites, telescopes, high-throughput instruments, imaging devices, sensor networks, accelerators, and supercomputers yield massive amounts of data. At the same time, the world, including social communities is creating massive amounts of data at an astonishing pace. Just consider Facebook, Google, Articles, Papers, Images, Videos and others. But, even more complex is the network that connects the creators of data. There is knowledge to be discovered in both. This represents a significant and interesting challenge for HPC and opens opportunities for accelerating knowledge discovery.
In this talk, followed by an introduction to high-end data mining and the basic knowledge discovery paradigm, we present the process, challenges and potential for this approach. We will present many cases, examples, results and future directions including (1) mining sentiments from massive datasets on the web, (2) Real-time stream mining of text from millions of posts and tweets to identify influencers and sentiments of people; (3) Discovering knowledge from massive social networks containing millions of nodes and hundreds of billions of edges from real world Facebook, twitter and other social network data (E.g., Can anyone follow Presidential campaigns in real-time?) and (4) Discovering knowledge from massive datasets from science applications including climate, medicine, biology and sensors. The talk will be illustrative and example driven and may include 1-2 live demonstrations.
Alok Choudhary is a John G. Searle Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Northwestern University. He is the founding director of the Center for Ultra-scale Computing and Information Security (CUCIS). Prof. Choudhary was a co-founder and VP of Technology of Accelchip Inc., in 2000, which was eventually acquired by Xilinx. He received the National Science Foundation's Young Investigator Award in 1993. He has also received an IEEE Engineering Foundation award, an IBM Faculty Development award, an Intel Research Council award. He is a fellow of IEEE, ACM and AAAS. His research interests are in high-performance computing, data intensive computing, scalable data mining, computer architecture, high-performance I/O systems and software and their applications. Alok Choudhary has published more than 350 papers in various journals and conferences and has graduated 30 PhD students. Techniques developed by his group can be found on every modern processor and scalable software developed by his group can be found on most supercomputers. Alok Choudhary's work has appeared in many traditional media including New York Times, Chicago Tribune, The Telegraph; TV channels such as ABC, PBS and many international media outlets all over the world.
Keynote Speech 2
[December 20]Computing Challenges for the Brave New World
Manish Gupta
IBM Research
We are entering an exciting era where information technology is being used in an increasingly instrumented world to make it run better. The inefficiencies in how the world operates today (e.g. in industries like transportation, energy and healthcare) have been estimated to be around $15 Trillion annually. We describe how some of these inefficiencies can be eliminated by applying analytics over data being collected in real time We introduce several unique challenges faced in emerging markets like India, and present examples of innovation in dealing with those challenges, such as handling a much larger scale, dealing with noisy data, and leveraging mobile devices for novel solutions. We describe areas of success as well as outstanding issues that will require further advances in computing and business model innovations to achieve truly transformational impact.
Manish Gupta is the Director of IBM Research - India and Chief Technologist for IBM India/South Asia. He leads a team developing breakthrough technologies underlying innovation in Services, Software and Systems, and is leading the IBM Research activities across the world in the Mobile Web area. Previously, he has held senior leadership positions at IBM Research - India, IBM India Systems and Technology Lab, and the T. J. Watson Research Center, where he led research on software for the IBM Blue Gene supercomputer. IBM was awarded the 2008 National Medal of Technology and Innovation for the invention of the Blue Gene supercomputer by US President Barack Obama in October 2009. Manish received a B.Tech. in Computer Science from IIT Delhi in 1987 and a Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1992. He has co-authored over 70 papers, with more than 3000 citations in Google Scholar, in the areas of high performance compilers, parallel computing, and Java Virtual Machine optimizations, and has filed eighteen patents. Manish has received an Outstanding Innovation Award, two Outstanding Technical Achievement Awards and the Gerstner Team Award for Client Excellence at IBM, and has been invited to give keynotes at several international conferences and workshops. He is an ACM Distinguished Scientist and a member of the IBM Academy of Technology.
Keynote Speech 3
[December 21]Large-scale Stencil Applications on GPU-rich Supercomputer TSUBAME2.0
Takayuki Aoki
Deputy Director of the Global Scientific Information and Computing Center, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Most stencil applications such as CFD and structure analysis are memory-bound problems. GPU has high performances in both computation and memory bandwidth suitable for them. The TSUBAME 2.0 supercomputer, which is equipped with 4224 NVIDIA Tesla M2050 GPUs, has started the operation since November 2010 at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. For GPU computing, we have rewritten the entire code of a high resolution meso-scale atmosphere model ASUCA that is being developed by the Japan Meteorological Agency for the purpose of the next-generation weather forecasting service. Using 3996 GPUs on TSUBAME 2.0, we achieved extremely high performance of 145 TFLOPS in single precision for 14368x14284x48 mesh. We also show a metal dendritic solidification by solving the phase-field model. Recently, we have achieved 1.017 PFLOPS for 4096x6 500x10400 mesh on 4000 GPUs and the paper has been nominated as one of 5 Gordon Bell Award finalists in SC'11 conference in November 2011.
Takayuki Aoki received a BSc in Applied Physics (1983), an MSc in Energy Science and Dr.Sci (1989) from Tokyo Institute of Technology, was a Visiting Fellow in Cornell University and the Max-Planck Institute in Germany for one year, has been a professor in Tokyo Institute of Technology since 2001. He has received the Computational Mechanics Achievement Award from Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers and many awards and honors in visualization, and others. He is also the vice president of the Japan Association for Computational Mechanics. He has authored the first book in the Japanese language on the CUDA programming and applications. His research covers numerical schemes, numerical weather models, HPC applications on graphics processors, multi-phase flows, and simulation of natural disasters. The paper of a metal solidification on TSUBAME 2.0 has been nominated as one of 5 Gordon Bell Award finalists in SC'11 conference.