
HiPC is an international conference on all aspects of high performance computing. It serves as a forum to present current work by researchers from around the world as well as highlight activities in Asia in the high performance computing area. The conference has a history of attracting participation from reputed researchers from all over the world.
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Conference Venue and Dates

HiPC 2010 will be held in Goa from Dec. 19 - 22, 2010 at Cidade de Goa in Goa, India. Click here for venue information.

Upcoming Important Dates

Dec 19 - 22, 2010 - HiPC Conference in Goa, India
Recent Conferences

The 16th meeting, held in Kochi, had 35 contributed papers selected from over 320 submissions, and approximately 250 participants attended the meeting. The 15th meeting, held in Bangalore, India in December 2008, had 46 contributed papers that were selected from over 317 submissions and approximately 250 participants attended the meeting. The 14th meeting, held in Goa, India in December 2007, had 52 contributed papers that were selected from over 253 submissions from 31 countries and approximately 300 participants attended the meeting. Further information about previous HiPC meetings is available here »