Monday Dec. 17
9 :0 0 a m - 6 :3 0 p m
Workshop on Cutting Edge Computing
This workshop will feature invited presentations from experts in
such areas as Quantum Computing, Supercomputing/Deep Computing,
Datamining of Scientific Data, etc. The goal is to bring to the
attention of researchers and practitioners, recent R&D advances
in computing technologies that are expected to dominate the future
of computing.
Advance Program
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Supercomputing/Deep Computing
- Quantum Computing
- Advanced Algorithms
- Datamining of Scientific Data
For further information contact the organizers.
- Uday S. Shukla
IBM Global Services India, Exports
Email: [email protected]
- Rajendra K. Bera
Head, R&D (Exports Services)
IBM Global Services India Pvt. Ltd
Golden Enclave, Airport Road
Bangalore 560017, India
Tel: +1-91-80-526-2355 ext 2540
Fax: +1-91-80-527-7374
Email: [email protected]