Program Chair
Burkhard Monien, University Paderborn, Germany
General Co-Chairs
Viktor Prasanna, University of Southern California
Sriram Vajapeyam, Independent Consultant
4 Workshops
- Workshop on Embedded Systems
- Workshop on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
- Workshop on Cutting Edge Computing
- Workshop on Storage Area Networks
8 Tutorials
- Designing Distributed Applications using Mobile Agents
- Opportunities and Challenges in Computational Biology
- The Bluetooth Technology: Specifications and Performance
- Itanium Architecture and Compiler Optimizations
- Neural Network Models for Speech and Image Processing
- QoS Support in Internet and Web Servers
- High Performance CORBA
- Agent Teams
5 Keynotes
- Paul Spirakis, Computer Technology Institute of Greece
"Instability of FIFO and of Mixings of Stable Policies for Networks"
- William Gropp, Argonne National Laboratory
"Whither MPI: Lessons From and the Future of MPI"
- Vivek Sarkar, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
"High-Performance Scalable Java Virtual Machines"
- Howard Jay Siegel, Colorado State University
"Heterogeneous Computing: Goals, Methods, and Open Problems"
- Masaru Kitsuregawa, University of Tokyo
"Parallel Web Mining"
2 Banquet Speeches
- S. Ramadorai, CEO, Tata Consultancy Services
- D. B. Phatak, S.M.Nilekani Chair Professor & Head, Kanwal Rekhi School of IT, IIT-Mumbai
Invited Speeches in the Workshops
- Krishna Palem, Georgia Institute of Technology
"Optimizing Embedded System Designs Through Customization: From Art to Engineering Science"
- Vijay Chandru, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
"The Algorithmics of Folding Proteins"
29 contributed papers from 18 countries, chosen from 108 papers submitted in response to the call for papers. Contributed papers will be presented in 5 sessions.
Invited Papers Session
- "Advances and Research Challenges in Networking"
Chair: Cauligi S. Raghavendra, Univ. of Southern California
Industry Exhibits
Corporate Bulk-Discount Registration Packages(http://www.hipc.org/c2001/india.html)
Student Scholarships
City Tours
- Tour 1 - December 20, 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
- Tour 2 - December 21, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm