Monday Dec. 17
9 :0 0 a m - 6 :3 0 p m
Workshop on Embedded Systems Embedded systems are finding increasing
use in diverse and demanding application domains and research challenges
are encountered for achieving desired level of performance goals
in those application domains. This workshop will provide a forum
to discuss latest research both in academia and industry and to
explore new directions. In addition to contributed papers, we plan
to have an industrial panel and invited talks by leading researchers
and technocrats in the field.
Invited Speaker: Krishna Palem, Georgia Institute of Technology
"Optimizing Embedded System Designs Through Customization: From Art to Engineering Science"
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Algorithms and Software Design
- Emerging Application Domains
- Compiler Optimization for Embedded Systems
- System Software for Embedded Systems
- Embedded Processor Architectures and Trends
- Embedded Signal Processing
Submission guidelines
Papers reporting both new research as well as comprehensive experiences
and evaluation of systems are welcome. To submit an original research
paper, send your complete manuscript not exceeding 5 pages including
figures. Submissions should be sent as a single e-mail message to
both the workshop co-chairs. Submissions should be in postscript
form, which must be interpretable by ghost script. The postscript
must use standard fonts, or include the necessary fonts, and must
be prepared for (US Letter 8.5"x11") or A4 page sizes.
All papers will be reviewed by the program committee.
Important dates:
- October 31, 2001: Workshop paper due
- November 14, 2001: Author notification
- November 28, 2001: Final papers due
S. Jagannathan
Infineon Technologies
10th Floor, Discoverer
International Tech Park
Whitefield Road
Bangalore -560066, India
Tel: +91-80-841-0017/18 ext 2073
Fax: +91-80-841-0012
Email: [email protected]
Santosh Pande
College of Computing
Georgia Institute of Technology
801 Atlantic Drive
Atlanta, GA 30332 USA
Tel: +1-404-385-2169
Fax: +1-404-385-2295
Email: [email protected]
Advisory Committee
Kanaka Kripakaran,
Siemens Information Systems Ltd.
Suthikshn Kumar,
Infineon Technologies
Vivek S. Nittoor,
Sanyo LSI Tech India