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High Performance CORBA
Shikharesh Majumdar
Carleton University
Audience: This tutorial is meant for researchers, system
designers, users of CORBA-based sys-tems and products, and graduate
students. Some background in distributed processing is required.
A minor background in CORBA is desirable but not essential.
Course Description: Heterogeneity is natural in systems
built using the popular Distributed Object Computing (DOC) paradigm.
Different system components in such systems often use different
programming languages and operating systems. Middleware provides
inter-operability between clients and servers in such heterogeneous
DOC systems. Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) is
a middleware standard proposed by the Object Management Group (OMG).
Most of the available commercial CORBA compliant middleware products
provide inter-operability, but often incur a performance penalty.
High scalability and low latency are crucial in many applications
that include telecommunication products, process control systems,
and other performance demanding applications. This tutorial will
address these performance issues in CORBA-based systems. Three different
classes of performance optimization techniques, guidelines for application
design, adopting an appropriate client-middleware-server interaction
architecture and techniques that exploit limited heterogeneity in
systems will be described. Sample experimental results demonstrating
their effectiveness will be discussed.
Lecturer: Shikharesh Majumdar is a Professor at the Dept.
of Systems and Computer Engg. at Carleton University in Ottawa.
He holds an M. Sc. and a Ph. D. degree in Computational Science
from University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon. Dr. Majumdar's research
interests are in the areas of parallel and distributed processing,
operating systems, and performance evaluation. He has authored over
fifty technical papers, and has won a best presentation and a best
paper award in two international IEEE conferences. He is the Associate
Editor of the IEEE TC on Operating Systems Bulletin, and has served
in the program and organizing committees of various international
conferences. He is a member of the ACM and a Distinguished Visitor
for the IEEE Computer Society.