HiPC 2001 Author Guidelines: Formatting
and Submission Instructions
Workshop authors please note: The following information is for
publication of HiPC conference proceedings. For instructions for
preparing the workshop proceedings please contact the workshop
The following information has been adapted from Springer Verlag,
the publishers of the HiPC 2001 Proceedings. Please follow the information
given below, instead of the author information at the Springer Verlag
Please submit the following to the proceedings
The proceedings chair will check the contributions, decide in which
order they shall appear in the book, and send the complete manuscript,
the complete files, and the complete copyright forms of their volume
on to Springer Verlag.
Formatting Instructions
Proceedings and Other Multi-author Volumes
You will get the best results and your files will be easiest to
handle if you use LaTeX2e for the preparation of your camera-ready
manuscript together with the corresponding Springer class file llncs.cls.
Only if you use LaTeX2e and llncs.cls will Springer Verlag be able
to add hyperlinks to your manuscript in the online version. The
macro package for LNCS contains further files: llncs.dem
is a sample input file which you may take as a source for your own
input.llncs.doc (a TEX file) is the documentation of the class,
here you can find detailed instructions showing how the macro package
works. llncs.dvi
is the resulting DVI file of llncs.doc to enable you to print out
the documentation directly. Springer Verlag also provides a LaTeX2e
source file of "Authors' Instructions", which may serve
as a further sample input. Please follow the submission instructions
in this page instead of those mentioned in Springer Verlag's "Author's
Instructions" file. You can download it as a ZIP
archive or you can download the TEX
file for the text and the EPS
file for the figure separately.
If you are not able to use LaTeX2e you may use Springer Verlag's
old macro packages for LaTeX
or for TeX.
Springer Verlag does not encourage the use of MS Word, particularly
as the layout of the pages (the position of figures and paragraphs)
can change from printout to printout. However, Springer Verlag does
provide the template sv-lncs.dot
(for use with PC systems) or sv-lncs
(for use with Macintosh systems) to help MS Word users to prepare
their camera-ready manuscripts and to enable Springer Verlag to
use their source files for the online version of the LNCS. Please
read the documentation of the template sv-lncs.doc
carefully (also available in PDF
format), Springer Verlag also provides
typeinst.doc, which is the "Authors' Instructions"
as an example input. Please follow the submission instructions in
this page instead of those mentioned in Springer Verlag's "Author's
Instructions" file. You can download all four files as a ZIP
archive. With some Web browsers the templates may be destroyed
during transfer. Thus it is better to download the ZIP archive.
For LaTeX-users Springer Verlag provides the macro package CLMono01
which is part of CLMoMu01,
and for LaTeX2e users Springer offers a beta version of CLMono01
for LaTeX2e which is part of CLMoMu01
for LaTeX2e. Do not hesitate to use this beta version. For
information about the macro packages read the read.me-files first.
A detailed documentation of the packages is given in clm1-doc.dvi;
is the source file of the documentation.
If you would like to access Springer Verlag's sample file, please
send an email to [email protected].
For plain-TeX users Springer Verlag provides CPMono01 which is
part of CPMoMu01.
Headings should be capitalized (i.e., nouns, verbs, and all other
words except articles, prepositions, and conjunctions should be
set with an initial capital) and should, with the exception of the
title, be aligned to the left. Words joined by a hyphen are subject
to a special rule. If the first word can stand alone, the second
word should be capitalized.
Here are some examples of headings: "Criteria to Disprove
Context-Freeness of Collage Languages", "On Correcting
the Intrusion of Tracing Non-deterministic Programs by Software",
"A User-Friendly and Extendable Data Distribution System",
"Multi-flip Networks: Parallelizing GenSAT".
If possible, please produce your figures electronically
and integrate them into your text-file. For LaTeX and TeX users
Springer recommends using the style-files psfig
or epsf.
Submission Instructions
How to Submit Your Manuscript
Please submit the hardcopy of the manuscript, the electronic version
of the manuscript and the copyright form to the proceedings chair
whose address is given below. The submitted
material should include your own printout of the final version of
your contribution, your source (input) files, e.g. TEX files for
the text and PS or EPS files for figures, the final DVI file (for
papers prepared using LaTeX or TeX), the final PS file, and, if
possible, a PDF file of the final version of your contribution.
When generating the PS file please avoid using the option "reverse
order". Make sure that the text is identical in all cases. For submitting
the electronic version, please use anonymous ftp to put the files
(as tar or zip) to ftp://ftp.ics.uci.edu/incoming/hipc2001 and
send email to [email protected]
indicating that the files have been placed at
the ftp site.
Page Charges
The page limit for regular papers is 10 pages and the page limit
for short papers is 8 pages. Up to two additional pages may be purchased
at US $100 per page (authors located in India may pay the equivalent
amount in Indian currency). Please send the extra page charges,
if any, to the proceedings chair. All checks should be made out
to International Conference on High Performance Computing .
If you need a receipt for the page charges, please fill out the
Receipt for Excess Page Charges
and send it to the proceedings chair, along with the other materials.
Supplementary Material
If you have supplementary material on your server, please give the
proceedings chair a short description and inform them of the URL
at which the material can be found. Then we will add the description
of the supplementary material to the LNCS Online and create a link
to your server.
Proceedings Chair
Prof. Nalini Venkatasubramanian
Department of Information and Computer Sciences
464, Computer Science Building
University of California, Irvine
CA - 92697-3425
Email: [email protected]