HiPC 2013 will feature the 6th student research symposium on High Performance Computing (HPC) aimed at stimulating and fostering student research, and providing an international forum to highlight student research accomplishments. The symposium will also expose students to the best practices in HPC in academia and industry. The one-day symposium will feature brief presentations by student authors on their research, followed by a poster exhibit. Short invited talks by leading HPC researchers/ practitioners will be included in the program. The Conference Reception and Student Symposium Poster Exhibits will provide an opportunity for students to interact with HPC researchers and practitioners (and recruiters) from academia and industry. For additional details, please contact the Symposium Co-Chairs.
Student Research Symposium
Upcoming Important Dates
- - Submission Opens
- - Submission Deadline
- - Accept/Reject Decision Notification
- - Student Symposium
The research work presented in the submission should primarily be the result of student research. Accepted papers and posters should be presented by a student author. The student author should have been a full-time student at some point in 2013. Non-student co-authors are permitted.
Abstract Submission
The extended abstracts should be submitted in PDF format. The document should be at most 5 letter size (8.5in x 11in) pages in 11 pt or 12 pt font, single spaced, with at least one-inch margins on all sides. Please identify the names of student authors in a footnote. If some part of your submission was published by you previously, then you should cite your prior work and indicate how the current submission differs from it.
Submissions will be handled electronically at: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=srshipc13. Please create an account there, if you do not have one already, login, and follow submission instructions.
The selected extended abstracts will be published online on the conference web site and on a CD to be distributed at the conference. They will not be part of the official HiPC conference proceedings.
Selection will be competitive and all submissions will be reviewed. Manuscripts will be judged on correctness, originality, technical strength, significance, quality of presentation, and interest and relevance to theconference attendees.
All topics relevant to the HiPC conference are of interest to this symposium.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- High-Performance Computing
- Parallel and Distributed Algorithms/Systems
- Parallel Languages and Programming Environments
- Hybrid Parallel Programming with GPUs and Accelerators
- Load Balancing, Scheduling and Resource Management
- Resilient/Fault-Tolerant Algorithms and Systems
- Scientific/Engineering/Commercial Applications and Workloads
- Emerging Applications such as Biotechnology and Nanotechnology
- Cluster, Cloud, and Grid Computing
- Heterogeneous Computing
- Interconnection Networks and Architectures
- Scalable Servers and Systems
- High Performance/Scalable Storage Systems
- Power-Efficient and Reconfigurable Architectures
- Compiler Technologies for High-Performance Computing
- Software Support and Advanced Micro-architecture Techniques
- Operating Systems for Scalable High-Performance Computing
Awards and Scholarships
Awards for Best Paper, Best Poster, and Best Presentation will be presented at the symposium. A total of INR 40,000 for the awards is expected from ANSYS, and books worth $1500 from Springer. Nvidia will sponsor an award for the best paper using GPU technology
Students from Indian academic institutions are encouraged to apply for the HiPC travel scholarship. The conference expects to award travel scholarship to at least one student author of each accepted submission from Indian academic institutions who apply. In addition, highly motivated students who wish to attend the conference but do not have a submission, may also apply for these scholarships. Details on applying will be announced later.
A book containing the resumes of the students participating in the symposium will be compiled and made available to the sponsors of the HiPC 2013conference.