as of August 29, 2004
Guest of Honor at Inauguration
- Kris Gopalakrishnan, COO and Member of Board of Infosys Technologies Ltd.
Keynote Addresses
- Arvind, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"Rethinking Computer Architecture Research"
- K. Mani Chandy, California Institute of Technology
"Event Servers for Crisis Management"
- Frédéric Desprez, ENS Lyon
"DIET: Building Problem Solving Environments for the Grid"
- Norm Jouppi, Hewlett Packard
"The Future Evolution of High Performance Microprocessors"
- Trevor Mudge, University of Michigan
"Low Power Robust Computing"
- Christos Papadimitriou, University of California, Berkeley
"Networks and Games"
Contributed Papers
48 contributed papers from 13 countries, chosen from 253 papers submitted in response to the call for papers. Contributed papers will be presented in 8 sessions.
- Workshop on Cutting Edge Computing
- Workshop on Dynamic Provisioning and Resource Management
- Trusted Internet Workshop
- Workshop on Performance Issues in Mobile Devices
- Workshop on Software Architectures for Wireless
- Workshop on New horizons in Compiler Analysis and Optimizations
- Designing Next Generation HPC Clusters, Storage/File Systems, and Datacenters with InfiniBand: Opportunities and Challenges
- Pervasive Computing and Communications
- Grid Computing: Making the Global Cyberinfrastructure for eScience and eBusiness a Reality
- New Internet and Networking Technlogies and their Applications to Grid and High-performance Computing
- Principles, Practices and Challenges in Network Defense
- Architecture Exploration for Embedded System Design