Wednesday Dec. 18
9 :0 0 a m - 1 :0 0 p m
Workshop on Cutting Edge Computing
This workshop will feature invited presentations from experts in such areas
as Quantum Computing, Supercomputing/Deep Computing, Datamining of Scientific
Data, etc. The goal is to bring to the attention of researchers and
practitioners, recent R&D advances in computing technologies that are
expected to dominate the future of computing. The workshop will feature
invited talks from renowned authorities on the subject.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Supercomputing/Deep Computing/Grid Computing
- Quantum Computing
- Advanced Algorithms
- Datamining of Scientific Data
- Compiler Optimization
Advance Program (not yet available)
For further information contact the organizers.
- Uday S. Shukla
Director (Export Services)
IBM Global Services India, Exports
Email: [email protected]
- Rajendra K. Bera
Head, R&D (Exports Services)
IBM Global Services India Pvt. Ltd
Golden Enclave, Airport Road
Bangalore 560017, India
Tel: +1-91-80-526-2355 ext 2540
Fax: +1-91-80-527-7374
Email: [email protected]