HiPC International Conference On High Performance Computing
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HiPC 2002 - Bangalore, India - December 18-21
Bangalore Palace
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HiPC 2002 Announces Travel Scholarships for Students

The International Conference on High-Performance Computing (HiPC) is the premier computer systems conference in India, emphasizing the areas of Architecture, Systems Software, Applications, Algorithms, and Communication Networks. This year's conference is being held in Bangalore from the 18th to the 21st of December. The conference features Keynote Speeches and Invited Paper Presentations by world's leading researchers, Tutorials on the state-of-the-art technologies, Workshops, Presentation stalls by industry and academia, besides an excellent set of contributed papers in five sessions. For more information about the conference, please visit its website at http://www.hipc.org.

We would like to encourage the best students studying at engineering colleges in India to attend the conference, through travel scholarships provided on a merit basis. The conference will provide students an exposure to the research going on at various places worldwide, as well as an opportunity to meet a number of leading researchers in the computing area. We hope this will help those students who desire to continue their post-graduate education, as well as those who are already a graduate student.

We are therefore pleased to announce the HiPC 2002 Travel Scholarship scheme. Under this scheme, the conference will take care of travel and hostel accomodation for the selected students. In particular, the scholarship will include:

  1. Two-way second/sleeper class train fare between your college or home and Bangalore.
  2. Free hostel accommodation in Bangalore.

Selected students will have to register for the conference, though at a highly reduced rate. The special rates have been made possible by sponsorships from Tata Consultancy Services. The student registration at the conference includes:

  1. Participation in workshops on 18th December.
  2. Participation in all technical sessions on 19-21st December.
  3. Participation in one tutorial on 18th December.
  4. Conference lunches, refreshments, banquets, and the cultural event.
  5. Conference proceedings will be available online.

To apply for the scholarship, please send your bio-data by email (preferably plain text) to Prof. Dheeraj Sanghi at IIT-Kanpur. The scholarships are very competetive, will be awarded on the basis of merit. However your grades will not be the only criterion for deciding. Please submit any details about you that will convince the organizers about your research interest and abilities.

In particular, please mention in your email:

  1. What other conferences/workshops you have attended so far? Did you present any paper, or participate in the poster sessions? If yes, then give details.
  2. Have you written any paper in any magazine/journal or published any technical report? If yes, then give details.

Also, please mention the following in your application:

  1. Do you need accomodation in Bangalore? Please note that we will provide accomodation to everyone who asks for it. But we will like to know whether you will be living with your friends or relatives, so that we book only the desired number of rooms.
  2. Which tutorial, in the order of preference, will you like to attend? Please note that first preference in tutorial will be given to those who are paying full registration charges. So it is possible that you may not get your first choice.

We will keep receiving applications till 1st November, but the scholarship decisions will be on an on-going basis. Every couple of weeks, we may decide on a few scholarships. In case you are selected, you will be required to do advance registration within two weeks of your selection.

If you need any further clarification, please send an email to [email protected]