
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
TUTORIAL 1: Opportunities and Challenges in Computational Biology
Srinivas Aluru, Iowa State University

Audience: This tutorial is intended for computer professionals, software developers, researchers, educators and graduate students interested in conducting research or developing software systems in computational biology.

Course Description: Computational biology is fast emerging as a major thrust area for academic research and industrial application in the 21st century. With the aid of computer science, molecular biology is on its course for future discoveries unrivaled in significance such as the treatment of diseases by altering the genetic code and the design of proteins to facilitate better administration of drugs. The goal of this tutorial is to provide a comprehensive introduction to the field of computational biology to audience with computing background, interested in participating in research and/or
commercial applications of this field. The tutorial will introduce the audience to the major subareas in computational biology including sequence alignments, mapping, fragment assembly, protein folding and evolutionary trees. Fundamental data structures and techniques useful in sequence processing will be introduced. Current progress on genome-scale projects will be discussed and information on resources available on the internet including genomic and protein databases and software tools will be provided. Potential applications of high performance computing to computational biology will be highlighted. For researchers and graduate students, several important open problems will be discussed. For the software professional, opportunities for development of software systems and problem solving environments will be discussed. No background in biology is assumed.

Lecturer: Srinivas Aluru is a faculty member in the Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engg. and the Lawrence H. Baker Center for Bioinformatics and Biological Statistics at Iowa State University. He also serves as a faculty on the interdisciplinary Bioinformatics and Computational Biology graduate program at Iowa State University. Prof. Aluru received his B. Tech degree in Computer Science from the Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai, India, in 1989 and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from Iowa State University, USA, in 1991 and 1994, respectively. He worked as an Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Computer Science at New Mexico State University from 1996 to 1999 and as a Visiting Assistant Professor in the School of Computer and Information Science at Syracuse University
from 1994 to 1996. His research interests include parallel algorithms and applications, computational biology and scientific computing. His research has been funded by the National Science Foundation, US Army and US Department of Energy. He is a recipient of the NSF CAREER Award.

9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
TUTORIAL 2: Basics of Web Mining
Raghu Krishnapuram, IBM India Research Lab

Audience: This introductory tutorial is meant for researchers and graduate students interested in Web mining, document classification and pattern analysis. Some basic background in probability and statistics, linear algebra, and optimization techniques will be helpful. An effort will be made to make the tutorial accessible to computer professionals.

Course Description: The proliferation of information on the World Wide Web has made the personalization of this information space a necessity. Web personalization/mining has two components: (1) tailoring the content delivered to the user from a Web site; and (2) exploring the available Web objects such as URLs, Web pages, and snippets, and categorizing them. Mining typical user profiles from access logs is an important component of Web personalization. Similarly, clustering Web documents into groups of related items is required in many applications of Web mining.

The algorithms for Web personalization and mining need to be scalable, robust (so that they can deal with outlier data),
incremental (since all data may not be available at one time), and fuzzy (since categories are rarely crisp in practice).
Moreover, certain types of Web objects (such as URLs) cannot be represented by numerical features, and therefore suitable similariy measures need to be defined. This tutorial will review various approaches that deal with the above-mentioned aspects of Web mining.

Lecturer: Raghu Krishnapuram ("http://www.mines.edu/fs_home/rkrishna/") received his Ph.D. degree from Carnegie Mellon University in 1987. He has held academic positions at the University of Missouri, Columbia, and at the Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado. Currently he is a research staff member at IBM India Research Lab. In 1993, Dr. Krishnapuram was at the European Laboratory for Intelligent Techniques Engineering, Aachen, Germany, as a Humboldt Fellow. He is an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, and an area editor for the journal Fuzzy Sets and Systems. He is a co-author of the book"Fuzzy Models and Algorithms for Pattern Recognition and Image Processing," Kluwer Press, 1999. Dr. Krishnapuram's research encompasses many aspects of Web mining, content-based image retrieval, fuzzy set theory, pattern recognition, and computer vision.

9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
TUTORIAL 3: Real Time Voice over IP.
Anurag Kumar, Indian Institute of Science

Audience: This tutorial is targeted at networking professionals and engineering students (final year BE or beyond), who have a good understanding of Internet networking concepts.

Course Description: Motivation for packet telephony; quick overview of speech coding and voice activity detection standards; variable bit rate (VBR) speech; hangover; on-off model for VBR speech; desired quality of service (QoS) for such speech; transporting packetised VBR voice in a packet network, associated problems, and their mitigation; packet recovery techniques (FEC and packet repetition); fixed and variable packet delays; effects of delay jitter; playout delay; loss concealment; sequence numbering; reconstruction of synchronous speech from asynchronous packet arrivals; use of time stamps; adaptive playout techniques; implementation issues; QoS techniques: traffic shaping, resource reservation; associated concepts and techniques and their application to packet telephony; packet telephony protocols and standards RTP, UDP, H.323, MGCP, SIP, RSVP.

Lecturer: Anurag Kumar obtained his B. Tech. degree in Electrical Engineering, in 1977, from the Indian Institute of
Technology at Kanpur, and the Ph.D. degree in 1981 from Cornell University. He was then with Bell Laboratoriess, Holmdel, N.J., for over 6 years. Since 1988 he has been with the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, in the Dept. of Electrical Communication Engineering, where he is now a Professor. He is also the Coordinator at IISc of the Education and Research Network Project (ERNET). His area of research is Communication Networking; specifically, modelling, analysis, control and optimisation problems arising in communication networks and distributed systems. Recently he has been conducting analytical and experimental research in traffic modelling, traffic engineering, and quality of service techniques in the context of the Internet. He is a Fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering.

9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
TUTORIAL 4 : Security aspects on the Internet - with emphasis on Cryptography.
H.K. Narahari, Digital Equipment (India) Ltd.

Audience: This tutorial is intended for computer professionals, researchers, educators, and graduate students interested in the security aspects on doing business on the Internet.

Course Description: Internet revolution has dramatically changed the way business is done adding to the problems of Security. Large corporations or small business houses, in order to survive on the net, have to provide easy information access to their customers. This throws up a variety of problems related to identification, authentication and differentiation between bona fide and mal fide customers. In a multiply connected world, ensuring confidentiality and integrity of data is a major problem area. Processes and systems have to be chosen carefully as a trade-off between end-user simplicity and security.

Cryptography or the science of coded messages provides some answers and tools which can help alleviate the problems related to data security. This tutorial gives a brief introduction to this branch of science tracing the development and highlighting the basics various options that are available.

Topics covered include : 1) Security issues involved in doing business over the Internet; 2) Options available through h/w and s/w 3) Cryptography as a tool Overview of encryption and decryption Highlights of various encryption methodologies DES & RSA; 4) Implementation on the net etc; 5) Threats scenarios Passive and active use of parallel computing to hack/ break systems; and 6) Status as of now and future.

Lecturer: H.K Narahari is at present the Business Operations Manager at Digital Equipment (India) Ltd. He received his
D.M.I.T degree in 1975 from the Madras Institute Of Technology, the ME degree in 1977 from the Indian Institute of Science at Bangalore, and the Ph.D. degree in 1986 from the same institute. Dr. Narahari has worked extensively on the application of Computational Fluid Dynamics tools to Aerospace problems and has several papers and reports to his credit. His current research interests include High Performance Computing, Parallel algorithms, Performance optimization and Cryptographic implementations.

2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
TUTORIAL 5: Network-Based Computing (NBC): Current Trend, Challenges, and the Future.
Dhabaleswar K. Panda, The Ohio State University

Audience: This tutorial is intended for scientists, engineers, researchers, professors, and students working on the design and development of next generation NBC systems; and managers and IT professionals responsible for setting-up NBC systems and facilities.

Course Description: The current decade is seeing rapid growths along three major directions: 1) low-cost and commodity workstations/PCs, 2) commodity networking technologies, and 3) web technology. This trend is leading us to a new "Network-Based Computing" (NBC) paradigm. This tutorial will provide an in-depth look at this emerging trend. Driving NBC applications from different areas (such as databases, multimedia, tele-medicine, visualization, collaborative computing, meta-computing, electronic commerce, and virtual reality) will be presented. Three categories of NBC system architecture will be introduced. Basic research issues (such as networking, fast communication, programming environments, security, QoS, and interfacing) in designing NBC systems will be investigated. Suitability of current networking technologies (Gigabit Ethernet, ATM, and Myrinet) for designing scalable NBC systems will be analyzed. Challenges in designing future NBC systems with the availability of terabit networks, large clusters/SMP systems, and Internet II will be discussed.

Lecturer: Dhabaleswar K. Panda is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the Ohio State University. He obtained his B.Tech from IIT, Kanpur; M.E. from IISc, Bangalore; and Ph.D. from the University of Southern California. His research interests include parallel computer architecture, network-based computing, and interprocessor
communication. He has published over 80 papers in major journals and international conferences. Dr. Panda has served on Program Committees and Organizing Committees of several conferences. Currently, he is serving as a General Co-chair for the 2001 ICPP conference, an Associate Editor of the IEEE TPDS journal, an IEEE Distinguished Visitor Speaker, and an IEEE Chapters Tutorials Program Speaker. Dr. Panda is a recipient of the NSF CAREER Award, the OSU Lumley Research Award, and an Ameritech Faculty Fellow Award. Dr. Panda is listed as a distinguished scientist in "Who'sWho in America" and in "American Men & Women of Science".

2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
TUTORIAL 6: Weaving the Semantic Web: Mining Hypertext and Semistructured Databases.
Soumen Chakrabarti, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay

Audience: This tutorial is targetted towards researchers and graduate students interested in databases, data mining, and hypertext. Some background in elementary probability and relational data models will be helpful. Efforts will be made to make the tutorial accessible to computer professionals.

Course Description: With over a billion pages covering most areas of human endeavor, the World-wide Web is a fertile ground for data mining research to make a difference to the effectiveness of information search. Today, Web surfers access the Web through two dominant interfaces: clicking on hyperlinks and searching via keyword queries. This process is often tentative and unsatisfactory. Better support is needed for expressing one's information need and dealing with a search result in more structured ways than available now. Data mining and machine learning have significant roles
to play towards this end.

In this tutorial we will survey recent advances in learning and mining problems related to hypertext in general and the Web in particular. We will review the continuum of supervised to semi-supervised to unsupervised learning problems, highlight the specific challenges which distinguish data mining in the hypertext domain from data mining in the context of data warehouses, and summarize the key areas of recent and ongoing research.

Lecturer: Soumen Chakrabarti ("http://www.cse.iitb.ernet.in/~soumen/") received his B.Tech in Computer Science from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, and his M.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of California, Berkeley. He was a Research Staff Member at IBM Almaden Research Center. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. His research interests include hypertext information retrieval, web analysis and data mining. He designed the Focused Crawler and the Clever search engine, filing several patents in the process. His work on focused crawling got the Best Paper award at the International World Wide Web Conference. He has has served on Program Committees of several conferences.

2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
TUTORIAL 7: Java VM Infrastructure for High-Performance Server-Side Java.
Suresh Srinivas, SGI

Audience: This tutorial is intended for developers of high-performance Java software on the Server Side. Implementors of Java will also find it useful. It is primarily geared toward people who already are very fluent in Java and wish to understand what goes on under the hood. This is not an introductory tutorial and is not not suitable for individuals learning Java as their first programming language.

Course Description: This tutorial will discuss the underlying infrastructure inside Java Virtual Machines such as Garbage Collection mechanisms, performance issues for multithreaded applications, compilation models for Java, and developing multi-language Java applications. It will focus on these mechanisms from the point of view of developing and deploying Java on the server-side. It will be structured into 4 parts for a 1/2 day (4 hr) tutorial.

Part 1: Compilation Models for Java (1 hr)
Interpretation, Just-In-Time compilation and native Ahead-Of-Time compilation.

Part 2: Multilanguage Java Programming (1 hr)
Options available for developing multi-language Java applications
Java Native Interface
Performance issues for Multilanguage Java applications

Part 3: Multithreading in Java (1 hr)
Mapping of Java threads to OS threads, Scaling of threads
Synchronization/Locking, Discussion of current state of the art

Part 4: Garbage Collection issues (1 hr)
What to expect from your Garbage Collector?
Some discussion on GC mechanisms in current production
JVM's (Classic JVM, HotSpot/IBM JVM, gcj).

Lecturer: Suresh Srinivas, Ph.D., is engineering manager of the Java Compiler Group at Silicon Graphics. He received his Ph.D. from Indiana University, specializing in parallel computing while working in the Extreme Computing Group. He joined the SGI Compiler and Tools Group and worked on performance tools, Java MIPS JIT compiler, and other Java VM porting and tuning issues. He is passionate about computer languages and their implementation, and has worked on a variety of language systems, such as Java, C++, pC++, Scheme, and Emacs/elisp. He currently teaches an advanced Java course at UC Berkeley Extension titled "Advanced Java: Language, Internals, and Techniques".

2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
TUTORIAL 8: Mobility Management in Dynamic Networks.
Subir Das, Anthony McAuley, and Archan Misra, Telcordia Technologies

Audience: The tutorial is intended for networking researchers, designers engineers, educators and graduate students who are interested in getting insights into future dynamic networks. Those working outside this area can get a high level overview of this rapidly changing field. It is also intended for network providers who are building future 3rd and 4th generation wireless IP networks.

Course Description: To provide heterogeneity and flexibility, future dynamic networks will not only use IP for routing, but also for user-network signaling. For example, 3rd generation wireless networks will use IP for functions such as
configuration, registration, service negotiation and mobility management. Support for mobile operations, the key strength of a wireless network, requires the network to not only track the current location of nodes, but also provide continuous connectivity while roaming. Different mobility schemes have different characteristics in terms of latency, security, flexibility, number of addresses, and robustness. An overall solution requires deep understanding of existing state-of-art solutions, as well as their merits and de-merits. Clearly well-known solutions, such as Mobile IP and SIP, will play a key part in any overall IP mobility solution. For dynamic networks, however, there are several issues that need further investigation.

While the first part of this tutorial gives a brief overview of IP in dynamic networks, configuration and registration protocols and routing for dynamic networks, the second part provides an in-depth description of mobility management schemes for various types of networks and shows how several representative applications and network characteristics dictate the correct choice of mobility management scheme.

Lecturers: Subir Das is a Research Scientist in the Wireless IP networking research department, Telcordia Technologies, Morristown, NJ. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from E & ECE Department, IIT, Kharagpur. From 1997-99, Dr. Das was a faculty member in the same Department. His current research interests
include mobility management in 3G wireless access systems, wireless multimedia, security in next generation networks, auto-configuration of adhoc, mobile networks.

Anthony Mcauley received his Ph.D. from Hull University, England in 1985. He worked as a research fellow in Caltech form 1985-1987. Since 1987 he has been at Telcorida Technologies and is currently a Director in the Wireless IP Networking Research group. His current research projects include protocols for complete network auto-configuration and architectures and protocols for 3rd generation IP wireless and home networking systems.

Archan Misra is a Research Scientist in the Wireless IP OSS department in the Applied Research division of Telcordia Technologies. He received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Maryland at College Park. Archan's primary interests are in the design and provisioning of methodologies/architectures for supporting QoS guarantees on the Internet and in the development of mobility management solutions for IP and telecommunications networks.


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