Registration at reduced rates is made possible for faculty and students from India based institutions and for researchers from Indian government R&D institutions through sponsorships from India based industries and organizations. Details are provided in following tables.

Only students who have been awarded HiPC 2006 Travel Scholarships can use this form for registration [pdf-form] .

Other Participants may register at the conference site starting from 18th December 2006.

Payment Options:
Traveler's cheques, demand drafts and cashier's checks will be accepted, provided they are payable in Indian rupees at a bank in Bangalore. We will not be able to process credit cards on-site.

Registration for India-based Faculty/Student/ Government Research Lab does not include a copy of the conference proceedings.

If you have any questions regarding registration, please contact the HiPC 2006 registration chair, Professor Susamma Barua.

Note: Tutorial 1 is cancelled

 HiPC Registration Rates for Participants from India-Based Companies
Registration Type Event IEEE/ACM/ IFIP Member Non Member Payment Options
Onsite Registration Conference
(includes workshops)
US$ 450
Rs. 20,250
US$ 600
Rs. 27,000
Tutorial 2 or 3
(half-day each)
US$ 125
Rs. 5,650
US$ 150
Rs. 6,750

HiPC Registration Rates for Participants from Universities and Government Research Labs

Registration Type Event IEEE/ACM/ IFIP Member Non Member Full-time Student (Member) Full-time Student (Non Member) Payment Options
Onsite Registration Conference (includes workshops) Rs. 4,000 Rs. 5,000 Rs. 1,750 Rs. 2,200 Cash
Tutorial 2 or 3
(half-day each)
Rs. 1,500 Rs. 1,900 Rs. 1,000 Rs. 1,300